Yesterday I went to the fake market and I bought myself a new watch, which seems to be the 'thing' to do. I do feel abit pissed off now because the days of the month goes from 0-39... Obviously I got too caught up in the moment. It's amazing how you find the watches though, you have to ask about them to specific shops. The shopkeepers will then press a button which makes one of the walls open. Once you walk through you then have to go up a ladder to find the watches! I was so excited that I obviously forgot to make sure that it all worked. I'm not too bothered it still looks good. A similar thing happened when I purchased my 'genuine' Armarni wallet. I promice I'll put pictures up tommorow when I'm at the school.
Ahhh I forgot about the school! Well going to the school was very scary. One of the teachers picked me up from the volunteer flat and drove me there. Once there I met the coordinator who gave me my timetable and gave me a very basic runthrough of things. Maybe A bit too basic because I'm not actually too sure what to do on monday and I'm a bit scared but hopefully it'll be alright on the night. The children do seem very nice though. I had to sign about a billion autographs after watching some of the lessons on friday. And everywhere you go the children run up to you and say hello, sometimes it actually ammounts to somewhat of a swarm. My room is very big, and has a computer/water dispenser. Me and fellow volunteer Albin are the only people who sleep in the school though so perhaps it may be a little creapy. We'll see.When I was walking through the halls I saw a child, about 6 or 7, playing the most amazing piano. So hopefully at night i'll go down and play it. I saw a guitar shop today at the market, and I may buy one but In the last 2 days I have spent nearly a hundred pounds. It's cheap here but everyone seems to go out alot so it is quite hard...
This morning it is tipping it down with rain, which made the normal trek to the bakery so much less fun. You can get these really nice bun things with jam inside, and it seems to be the closest thing to a breakfast you can really find as I'm not usually up for a full on plate of noodles at 9am. The people in the bakery always seem very friendly and even though my mandarin is pretty terrible they seem to always think I am fluent which usually leads to me being pretty confused Unless I hear one of the key words 'speak', 'where', 'what' and 'money'
Oh and Mum and Dad I need you to stay awake all the time now, because the bank Has cancelled my account...
I hope planning for your gap year stuff is going well gap year legends...
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