Tonight we go to Beijing. It cost some what of a small fortune to get there even on the train. 700ish yuan per person ONE WAY! Ahhh. We are soft sleeper though. Yes it's the life of luxury for us!
在: 家
When I said China, did you say itinerary? Thought so.So the plan, the massive plan is as follows:
I'm flying out on Friday the 13th of February, quite an omen if you ask me, and I arrive 19 hours later after a 11 hour flight in Shanghai Pu dong airport on valentines day.
I get met by Jessie, who I imagine will become essentially my Chinese deity, keeping me safe from harm and the like.
But then what happens?
I'm teaching in a school didn't you know. Until like the end of June. Then I'm gonna travel around a bit, go to japan stuff like that...
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