By the next day they seemed better and they took a taxi over to boxing lu where they got a tour of my school, and the japanese fastfood noodle restaurant...
Wednesday evening began the great train of Beijing trip. The sleeper train was quite amazing, the waiting room had leather sofas, a grand piano as well as a overpriced cafe. All the things needed in a place which makes you feel like you are too poor to be there. It took only 9 hours too. The distance between Shanghai and Beijing is eqivilant to the distance between London and Rome so it's a fantastically fast train. Not to mention the TV's we had built into our bed!
Awake at 7.30, and time to leave the train at about 8. Quite in a horrible reversal from the upper classness we were drowning in beforehand, breakfast required a trip to McDonalds for pancakes and breakfast muffins. Oh what were we thinking!
After that it was a quiet taxi drive and a rainy walk to our 4 star hotel, (which didn't seem posh once our tour guide pointed out the 7 star hotel...), where we were to camp out in for the 3 night Holding family siege of the north captital.

My mum bribed the guard so we could skip about 45minutes worth of queue which was funny too!